Monday, October 11, 2010

Revising the GAME Plan

As I mentioned in the previous post, the GAME plan process has been a great learning experience and I have found a lot of great resources, lesson ideas, and educational tools that can easily be integrated into my classroom. As for my two original goals to:

1.Learn more about about integrating online collaborative (global) art projects with in my curriculum and seek out professional development about educational technologies like Web 2.0.

2.Continue to develop my Art classroom blog as a way to inform parents and community about my classroom, curriculum, and student art gallery. ,

I am still in the middle of the learning process. I have decided to do a global art project with my fifth graders next month and I am starting to document my art lessons and photograph student artwork to add to my classroom blog.

For my next NETS-T goal, I would like research more educational technologies that involve students using computer software to create digital art. During this GAME plan I also discovered a great presentation software called Prezi that I want to start incorporating more into my classroom.

I really enjoyed using the GAME plan approach to help me stay on task and have my final goal in mind, I will probably use a similar strategy to help me accomplish my next goals.


  1. Kristina, Your first goal states that you want to integrate collaborative art projects and "seek out professional development about educaional technologies". I was "surfing" and found this wonderful blog for art educators to incorporate technology into their curriculum! Here is the site:

    It seems that it has won several awards and it might be a great resource for us.

  2. Kristina,

    I am very curious to find out how your blog page goes with your parents. I think it's a wonderful idea to post your student art gallery and classroom curriculum on your page for parents to see. This will be a great way for parents to see how their child has meant the curriculum guidelines and how they measure up in comparison to other students. Your blog page will be a very useful source for parent-teacher collaboration and information without needing to necessarily step into the school building to accomplish the same goals.

  3. Hi Kristina,

    It seems like a lot of work but work. I love the idea of documenting your lessons and photographing student artwork. I guess that is not your purpose at this point but that can also be use for self-reflection and discussion or peer assessment once posted on your blog.
    As Jewel mentioned, giving parents a window(this size!) into the classroom is great.
