Friday, October 8, 2010

Evaluating my GAME Plan Progress

So far I feel that my GAME plan progess is going well. I have learned a lot about global arts projects and recieved some great advice about keeping a classroom blog. While researching Art classroom blogs I discovered some great project ideas, classroom management and organization tools, and a technology tool, called prezi, that I have already utilized in my classroom. I also recieved some great advice and encouragement from my fellow classmates, including the advice that it is okay to pace myself and that my entire curriculum doesn't have to change to integrate more technology into my classroom. I really like that my GAME plan has allowed me to stay focused and makes me accountable for my goal. I still would like to research more classroom blogs and talk more with teachers who have more experience doing global arts projects in their classrooms.


  1. Hi Kristina. It is important for all of us to remember that we do not have to change out the entire curriculum, but just add technology to those lessons that have already been successful. I really like the technology tool, called prezi. My fourth graders will love it!

  2. Thanks Angie!

    I used prezi to introduce the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh to my first graders the other week, they loved it!

  3. Kristina and Angie,

    Wow! I can't wait to use Prezi. I just checked it out asnd it looks like a really helpful tool. thanks bunches!


  4. Kristina,
    I agree not changing everything is a good idea. I have found that if you just add technology into what you are already doing it makes it easier. I take the subject matter and see if there is somethint technology can add to it.

  5. Having attainable goal is the key. I think you created one. Prezi is a great tool, there are many more. Again, I would stick with Prezi for now to really make a great use of it. Going too wide just creates problems and you never really get to the bottom of things. Keep up with your GAME!
